The Post Ebola Recovery Social Investment Fund (PERSIF) project is a comprehensive initiative designed to restore basic social services and revive local economic opportunities in the Mano River Union region, with a particular focus on communities affected by the Ebola outbreak. The project aims to create sustained job opportunities, particularly for women, in value-adding businesses and markets.

Funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the PERSIF project is being implemented across the MRU member states, with a focus on rebuilding health infrastructure, promoting economic recovery, and supporting social cohesion in post-Ebola communities. The project includes the construction of health facilities, the provision of support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the implementation of social protection programs for vulnerable populations.

The MRU Secretariat coordinates the regional implementation of the PERSIF project, working closely with national governments, local communities, and international partners to ensure that the project meets its objectives. The project is ongoing and continues to play a critical role in the recovery and development of the MRU region, helping to rebuild the lives and livelihoods of those affected by the Ebola outbreak.