The Twelfth ordinary Session of the Mano River Union Technical Commission on Administration and Finance (TCAF) was held from 30th to 31st October, 2019 in the Conference Room of the MRU Secretariat, in Freetown, Republic of Sierra Leone, in presence of the Honorable the Sierra Leone Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr Francis M KAIKAI the host country, as chairperson of the meeting the Head of the Guinean delegation, Cheick Fanta Mady KABA.

H.E. Ambassador Medina A. Wesseh, Esq, Secretary General of the Mano River Union Secretariat, in her welcome remark to the delegates from the Member States (Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) thanked the Member States for their commitment to the Secretariat and also noted that the Government of Sierra Leone has commenced major renovation work on the official residence of the MRU Secretary General, which is expected to be completed by the end of the year. She also inform that the engagement of partners for new programs and projects,  for the good of the population of the Union.

Honorable Dr Francis KAIKAI, Minister of Planning and Economic Development of the Republic of Sierra Leone in his opening remarks recalled the history of the MRU and said that the MRU has moved from a mere customs Union to an expanded scope ecompassing peace and security, regional integration and the SDGs. He encouraged the MRU Secretariat to explore other current and pressing interventions, such as climate change, communicable diseases, migration within its expending portfolio. He stressed that given the resources available to meet the Secretariat’s mandate there is a clear need for stronger governance and more efficient management of the Secretariat.  The Honourable Minister concluded by reiterating the mandate of TCAF and hopes that deliberations at this very important TCAF will focus on the issues. He admonished all delegates to view the MRU as a Union of peoples and that they should see the Secretariat as a vehicle for peace building, social and economic integration and development. The Minister concluded his remarks and declared the twelfth session of the TCAF open.

In his opening remarks, the Head of the Guinean delegation, Cheick KABA, Acting president of the TCAF, said his team is here to review the budget and other relevant documents of the Secretariat as well as identify the issues and make recommendations to the relevant authorities for appropriate action.

The Technical Commission on Administration and Finance is one of the technical bodies, under the provisions of the Mano River Union First Protocol is responsible for the preparation of the Ministerial Session on Administrative and Financial matters. As such, it performs the following tasks: (i) Ensure the implementation of the recommendations and decisions of the Union’s statutory bodies; (ii) Review and approve the report of the Audit Committee and report to the Union Ministerial Council; (iii) Examine the Union’s financial statements and draft budget and provide technical opinions for adoption by the Ministerial Council; Iv) Review and make recommendations on all technical documents relating to administrative and financial matters; and make recommendations. (v) Report its deliberations to the Union Ministerial Council. The next session of the TCAF is in April 2020.