Member countries of the Mano River Union (MRU), Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire after a two day multi-stakeholder Renewable Energy and Clean Cooking Conference at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Freetown, developed the “Freetown Declaration,” which focuses on policy formulation and harmonization.

The scope of the conference was to allow an in-depth discussion on specific technical areas and financing options of relevance for the uptake of renewable energy, while identifying concrete opportunities for regional cooperation, to ensure a practical, ‘first-hand’ element alongside the more typical plenary set and the policy material that will support parliamentarians and political decision makers to implement the outcome of the event.

The event put together five themes; energy access, sub-regional power trade, the energy nexus, clean cooking and utilities infrastructures. The 11 declaration points developed by MRU member countries acknowledges that, “We recognize that current global developments and specific circumstances in the sub-region require that we urgently build consensus on renewable energy. Therefore, we resolve to work on a harmonized policy and regulatory framework, and facilitate efforts aimed at building a common sub-region.”

The member countries challenge themselves to ensure members take primary responsibility for its own development because national efforts should be complemented by supportive sub-region to support the energy development initiatives and to enhance the benefits they can derive from such investments.